This book, its message, and the hours and hours of time, energy, and pas- sion poured into it is dedicated to all of the amazing educators we are blessed to know, work with, and connect with every day. You are the reason this exists. You are the reason we do anything and everything we do. You are what better is truly all about.
The Teach Better mindset infuses a purposeful, personal dedication to teaching better today than you did yesterday – and teaching better tomorrow than you did today. It's not about comparing yourself to colleagues down the hall or the creative minds you've connected with on social media. This mindset is all about your commitment to be your best self and reach your students in more meaningful ways than you ever imagined.
Packed with practical tips and strategies you can implement right away in your career as well as larger shifts you can make in your own journey, Teach Better provides a roadmap to experiencing growth in a whole new way.
The Teach Better mindset infuses a purposeful, personal dedication to teaching better today than you did yesterday – and teaching better tomorrow than you did today. It’s not about comparing yourself to colleagues down the hall or the creative minds you’ve connected with on social media. This mindset is all about your commitment to be your best self and reach your students in more meaningful ways than you ever imagined.
Packed with practical tips and strategies you can implement right away in your career as well as larger shifts you can make in your own journey, Teach Better provides a roadmap to experiencing growth in a whole new way.
“Gargas, Ostrowski, Hughart, and Ott combine their knowledge, experiences, and insights in a book which offers practical strategies that transform the culture of a classroom. Each chapter disrupts the normal routines of classroom behaviors by engaging students through content and connections. While educators search for ways to do everything to support student learning, Teach Better has found a way to fit the educational ‘puzzle pieces’ together in a way that’s meaningful, aligned, and seamless for the students and the educator.”
—Neil Gupta, EdD, director of secondary education, Worthington City Schools, ASCD board member, @drneilgupta
“Raw! Real! Refreshing! The Teach Better authors declare truth bombs with honesty and vulnerability so you can do just what the title says . . .Teach Better! The vignettes, strate- gies, and insights are user friendly and just what we need to bring an awareness to every- day practices. This gem of a book is a welcomed gift to education!”
—LaVonna Roth, creator, speaker, and lead illuminator of Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.®, @LaVonnaRoth
“The Teach Better team has written a must-read primer for anyone considering how to, frankly, teach better! As educators, we have an obligation to our students to plan, assess, evaluate, and reflect on our daily practice. How we approach pedagogy is critical to the academic, emotional, and social success of our students. This is a well-organized book with a powerful call to action to develop a Teach Better mindset.”
—Sheldon L. Eakins, PhD, director of the Leading Equity Center, @sheldoneakins
“For educators to teach better, you’d think the approach would need to be complex. In Teach Better you’re going to quickly learn that the amazing team behind the book has simplified, organized, and discussed. They’ve proven their methods work, and teachers are seeing the results! Rae, Tiffany, Jeff, and Chad are the minds behind this amazing book and method that is growing larger and stronger each day—and this book will undoubted- ly prove to be a valuable resource across education!”
—Adam Welcome, educator, speaker, author, @MrAdamWelcome
“If you’re uncomfortable with mediocrity in the classroom, this book is for you. TTeach Bet- ter is the collective journey of four educators who share a bond. They all failed, but they all refused to allow their failure to be the end of their story. Jeff Gargas, Chad Ostrowski, Rae Hughart, and Tiffany Ott share their own personal experiences with stories that are compelling and with a vulnerability that allows them to connect with every teacher. They outline the path that allows teachers to cultivate a new ‘mindset’ and embrace new pat- terns of behavior. For new teachers who are aspiring to excellence, this book can light the way. For veteran teachers who want to reignite their flame, this book can provide the spark. But Teach Better is not just about educators increasing their own professional satisfaction; it’s about being better for students. And that’s what it’s all about.”
—Danny Steele, educator, author, and speaker
“Teach Better is an insightful resource filled with empowering messages for teachers at any stage in their career. It is stunning how the team weaves in deeply effective teaching strategies and curriculum based concepts in a way that feels accessible and meaningful. This collaboration is certain to impact educators with its focus on “better” over perfect in so many areas that matter in our field. Not a surprise that this team created a relatable, useful, and impactful message in each page.”
—Sarah Johnson, educator, speaker, author, and podcaster, @sarahsajohnson
“It’s not about being perfect or about being the best. It’s about becoming better. It’s about mastering our craft, our calling, our labor of love for learners and learning—one optimis- tic step forward at a time. Backed by pithy, relatable, and engaging anecdotes from real classrooms and experiences, Teach Better shows us the path to continuous growth, improvement, and mastery in our practice. This is an easy but powerful read that should be required content at every school in America today.”
—Tim Cavey, eighth-grade teacher and host of the Teachers on Fire podcast, @TeachersOnFire
“I’ve never claimed to be perfect, and I never will. Neither will you, and that’s okay. In Teach Better the team takes us on a journey that allows us to understand that we don’t need to be perfect; we just need to work every day to be better for the kids we serve. Packed with personal stories, actionable tactics, and powerful inspiration, this book will be one you reference again and again on your personal journey.”
—Thomas C. Murray, director of innovation, Future Ready Schools, @thomascmurray